Just a couple notes to go with these pictures:
1. We rode about 50 km today. And we managed to keep up with Erin even though I have two gears and Stew only has one on his bike.
2. We navigated through hikingg designated trails on our bikes and even had the locals tell us we shouldn't be riding such old bikes on the trails -- coming from such hearty Bavarian folk I took what they said as a compliment
3. Beer Halls are not just for drinking -- they are places to sit for hours over a nic meal, and of course a beer, that has been mastered by specific breweries for centuries
4. Erin reads and speaks German like a pro -- she got us out of many jams on our way to Andechs as we were lost for parts of it and if it was left up to me I'd be wailing on a corner somewhere rather than speak German -- I loved the Italian and French languages, but I can't quite get my head around German.
5. We can't get money out of the ATM machines and we are streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching what we've got and thinking about my mother and father who said we should consider some Travellor's Cheques as a back-up.
6. I will not be outdone by The BikeMeister -- the foiling continues
7. Bavarians like to eat meat -- a lot of it. Some of the women look like Claudia Schiffler, and eat all this hearty Bavarian food (???????) and some of them look like Rosie O'Donnell and eat all of this Bavarian food. All of the men look the same, except some of them still wear those snazzy little traditional leather shorts with suspenders
8. Germans make me look very relaxed and not particular about anything
9. Every second car here is a BMW, Porche, Mercedes or some other sports car that makes a lot of noise.
10. The bike system here is amazing -- you can go anywhere by bike safely. Just don't stop in the bike lane when there's a green light for your direction because people get upset and say rude things to you in German. That's the one time I have the bell rung at me. :)