Hold on tight folks here we go again. Beers, Brauts and Blow me up with a Knauk wurst Dr. Jones. The land of the 1 litre beer jug can only bring smiles to wayward nerds, corporate dweebs and awfully tired frugal travellers. like us...but i digress. Enjoying the timelessness of travelling can bring true joy to even the most seasoned oddball. So what does that say about wasting camera memory space on random self shots or the price of yak milk in north Van? Surprisingly little. Furthermore: these little German grocery marts(of which me er...or we have thouroughly enjoyed...including my editor and partner) have brought us nothing but good times! The quality and flavour of the goods has been amazing! Amanda(the editor & Chief) & i have relied on deli style menus...without losing our nerve or the winners share of the purse! Austia and Germany deliver the goods...while still maintaining their traditions. Give me some mo'!!
Peace and Blessings from Munich all you Bionic Cone heads!!
So, it's me now. Amanda and blog owner. Now to the details. We are so happy to visit with Erin. She has a fantastic place -- she's decorated it nicely and she has everything she needs to make it "hers". She knows all the cool spots to go for a beer and she also knows how to get the ever evasive waiter over to our table. German service redifines customer dissatisfaction. You actually have to wave, grab, stretch your hand out aggressively or raise your voice to even have them look your way. She has managed to get their attention within 5 minutes which is amazing in a Beer Garden.
The first day here we just relaxed. We walked to downtown Munich, about 14 km there and back. We looked for some shorts, but at this time in the season, a little difficult to find something both fashionable and practical. However, the search will go on. We are determined to find something to ease the heat and the heat rash. I've never seen heat rash before and apparently it's from too much heat not escaping. I'm not sure how the heat can't escape through my $70 MEC pants that I bought specifically for this trip but no matter. C'est la vie. We have seen a lot of Turkish women in full religious regalia, all but their eyes covered up. After having heat rash myself, I wonder if being covered up by robes like that would give them heat rash too? Just a curious question...
The next day we went to Olympic Park, near Erin's place. Stewart really really loved it. The architecture there was revolutionary for the 1972 Olympics. It's like being in a roofed stadium except you can see the sky because it's made of some kind of see-through material.
Today we rode our bides 14 km to Dachou (city near Municy), and 14 km back. We once again were a little wayward in finding Dachou, but we did it in the end. We saw the Concentration Camp Memorial there and it was rather profound and exceptionally disturbing. One can know all about the Holocaust, but to be there where so many people suffered and lost their lives is sobering. As once teacher at my school said, the problems we have with students, parents, or whatever, is just "a fart in a windstorm." Dachou reminded you of this general principle, but made you appreciate how small our problems really are. Legs? Check! Health? Check! Job? Check! Great family and friends? Check! Great city/country? Check. Freedom of speech? Check... Not getting your favorite pair of shoes because they ran out of your size shouldn't count as a problem. Well, "Good night, and good luck"
A & S
Glad to hear you are enjoying Germany! Strange to think I was there 17 years ago... Wow, and I was blown away then. Great pictures once again... you guys definitely capture the moment. Are you guys going to Berlin? Take care, have beer (or two) for me and talk to you soon.
That is such a Stewart photo!!!!!! I have many of those from Christmas.
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