to no avail 00 the bathrooms were neither high, nor low. But wait, what is this... oui madames et monsiers, we found a bathroom in a park! But, wait, what is this... zou can paz 50 euros to go into the bathroom and the machine swallows it and doesnät open up the door... ahhhhh a bargain tourist trap. Well, thez did have divine little cookies at least. And we tried to watch Harrz Potter but the attendant at the movie theatre told us it was all in French (we the lowlz Canadians forgot that in France, everzthing is in French) and as we had hoped for French subtitles we opted out of the experience. Za za za!
Oui Oui!
Do note mz verz trendz Nicean outfit, complete with MEC shoes, pants, and durable cottone shirt. Photo bz in demand writer, SmacJazz.
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