We hiked around Innsbruck for our third day -- we made it to Patcherkoefel, the top of the mountain in about 5 hours. It was 1300 metres. I mean 1300 feet I think. Anyhow, it was really really high even if I don't have the correct metric measure. Straight up. The whole way. We were a little misguided in parts because when the various trails intersected there were never any signs. We did come across a sign saying ENTRY FORBIDDEN in German!! and knew we needed to recover our blunder. Apparently they take private property quite seriously here, as the happiness of the cows are essential to farms producing top class milk, and foreigners disturbing the cows decreases the quality and quantity of the milk. I think looking at Stewart and I in action would be enough to make any poor little cow stressed out. We have been kind to these creatures, especially because we like their milk and the chocolate that is a result of the milk. Actually, in Austria, we found a chocolate bar named MILKEE MUMM. You do the inferences there folks, but whoever came up with that one must have not done a literal translation for the Western world. I wonder why MILKEE MUMM hasn't made its way to shelves in Canada? We also went to Old Town in downtown Innsbruck. Stewart had a great sausage and some fried potatoes. We also had the best deal on ice-cream in all of Europe -- 2 scoops for 2 euros. It has been full of great people and great times. On our last night at the Hotel, we went down to the sauna room but you needed keys for everything to start it, and as it was 11:30 at night we didn't want to go upstairs and ask for the keys. Instead we filled up a tiled bathtub in the sauna area filled with cobwebs, dead spiders and moths. I made Stewart clean it out before we got into the tub but Stewart only wanted to fill up the tub halfway because he felt filling it up fuller was a waste of water. So I relented, and had a soak in half a tub full of lukewarm water.
The next day we went to Munich on the train, and we met ERIN DREW!!!!!! She brought us to her house and it has been wonderful seeing her. She is forging her own path here in Germany -- she speaks German like a local, rides a bike like a true European, skirts and all, and she also drinks wine like a local. We are so grateful for her hospitality, and as a lifelong friend, it's an honour to be here. Erin made us Thai Curry and it's the first homemade meal, in a real kitchen, we've had in three weeks. As Borat would say, NICE!!! While we were waiting for Erin, we sat down in Marienplatz. There, we watched Turkish children run around in their underwear in the fountain, a German boy run around in his speedo, a plethora of families speaking in every language known to man, and shoppers walking by with bags from PRADA, ESCADA, DIOR, ROLEX, THE GALLERIA, and it goes on and on and on. These women are definitely better dressers than Milan, Hard to believe. So, that was our first day... more to come later!
Amanda & Stewart :) :) :)
1 comment:
Glad to hear you have connected with Erin. She was so looking forward to you coming. Hope the weather is good to you and that you get to see lots of Munich. it is such a great city. I am sure you will go to a beer garden, hve great dairy products and enjoy the German food. Just make sure to walk lots. It helps the waistline!
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