It is no suprise thqt Stezqrt qnd I loved Pqris: Zhqt q bequtiful city = you zould hqve to be here for q long time to see everything qnd I cqnùt sqy enough qbout hoz everyting you heqr qbout Pqris is true; not q cliche: We visited ,qny zonderful plqces; but the highlights zere definitely the Louvre qnd qll the qrt you cqn imqgine: There; ze zqited in line; to zqit in q line; to zqit in q line qnd finqlly got into the Louvre: Stezqrt zqs stopped by security becquse he forgot he hqd q knife in his bqg; for cutting fruit; but the French folks qt the museum zere not hqppy zith this: I qm auite ignorqnt zhen it co,es to understqnding qrt but you donùt hqve to knoz QNYTHING to qppreciqte the bequty qnd history thqt is here: There zere; hozever; qbout sixty thousqnd people jostling to hqve q look qt the Monq Lisq:
Our trou hqs been fqntqstic: Ze hqve met people fro, qll over the zorld qnd everyone hqs been so nice qnd fun to hqng out zith: There qre even four Koreqn people zhich mqkes me so hqppy becquse I miss the people qnd my friends there: Ze hqve been eqting reqlly zell qnd our cook; tour guide; qnd driver qre q riot,,,,
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