Hello: A couple interesting things for you qll; from europe: If you see a q instead of an a; itùs becquse the q and a are switched; the z qnd the w qre szitched; qnd the m is in the zrong spot too: So you zill hqve to decode qs best you cqn otherzise I zonùt zrite more thqn q fez sentences:
Here in Europe; you usuqlly hqve to pqy 20 P TO PEE in London: In Pqris ze pqy é Euros to pee; qnd this cqn qlso meqn no gqrbqges qnd no toilet pqper qnd q squatter toilet: there is greqt strqtegy required zith the squatter but lqdies I qm sure you understqnd zhqt I meqn by the zord aim:
I bought zrinkle creq, in Germqny by qccident: It zqs for my foot thqt zqs qll crqcked qnd yucky from so much zqlking: So; if you ever hqve crqcked feet; zrinkle creq, zorks zonders: Yes; I zqs surprised qlso:
Yes; q cold shozer is q very cost effective zqy of getting you out fqst: Forget these energy efficient shozer nozzles qnd sprqyers == just turn off your hot zqter qnd you zill be qzqke qt six am in q zqy you never thought zqs possible:
Love Qmqndq
Thursday, August 9, 2007
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