Saturday, January 17, 2009

Holes in the Wall Remain....


I have a questions for homeowners who have gone through the process of renovations. When dealing with tradespeople and they don't get back to you in a month, do you continue with the nice approach? Patient phone calls that are supposed to remind them that they need to return a phone call. Or, at three months, do you get a little more assertive? I have opted to go with more assertive, because no plumbers have been to our holes-in-the-wall-I-need-to-be-re-piped-and-re-tubbed-and-re-toileted now bathroom and it is just the same as before EXCEPT:

In our living room, we have:
1. Large bathtub in box
2. Large vanity, wrapped in plastic
3. Toilet bowl, tank and lid.

Our living space is less than 700 square feet. It certainly helps being a teacher, because when I made THE phone call to the plumbers requesting some attention, I used my you-are-going-to-listen-to-what-I-have-to-say-unequivocally and hopefully, we'll have someone from our plumber-from-another-planet return our phone call. It also helped that my voice was raspy because of my cold, and that I'm already feeling a little grumpy because of my cough. Fingers crossed. And Janis, have I made you smile?

Happy New Year, by the way!!


PS: Swiss Fondue is definitely my fave meal right now.... and no, I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions so I have nothing to break!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'd get rough and tough with them at this point that is a very long time to wait you are way nicer then me!!! I'd have been cursing and swearing up a storm by now not that it always gets you anywhere faster but that's me!! Happy new year to you too!! I miss you

Niles the Camel said...

That is so nice - you mentioned me in your blog. And after three months, there is no need to be nice! Good for you!