Monday, December 17, 2007

Something to Wonder, Laugh & Cry About

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ho-ho-hooooooooo!! Happy Holidays!

Ok, I won't overdo it, but for me, Christmas is Christmas. For some, it's Winter Holidays. For others, X-Mas time. For others, Hanukkah. These are all good things. But for me, Christmas is a special time and though I am decorationally challenged (definitely NOT Martha)though the rest of my family Decks the Halls on November the 1st at 12:00 am, I love this time of year. Regardless of religion, regardless of background, this is a time to reflect, give, receive and look ahead to a new year. I'm not getting sucked in by all that marketing either. Nope, I'd rather eat goodies and have to suck my waist in instead, and spend the next two months feverishly walking/running/panting off those 5 pounds you're never supposed to gain over the holidays because-your-doctor-said-so. Sigh! So, to those of you who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! To those of you who don't, Merry Christmas anyway!
Sidenote: But saying Merry Christmas to people has almost become a thing to be done carefully (especially in schools) so you don't offend anyone, kind of like when you drop the line about how cute babies are to someone you think might be pregnant but you're not sure because they might be a little robust in nature and you don't want to ask outright if they're pregnant so you drop the hint... and wait for them to say "Oh, I'm 3 months pregnant." Or whatever. Sometimes being PC is sensitive, isn't it?

Have a good laugh by going to the following link (make sure you give the clip at least 2 minutes to run):

The male competitor:

The female competitor:

For you baby fans out there:

For those of you who are interested in becoming involved with supporting Vietnamese children who have special needs and who are living in poverty, this is a good website I found & it seems to be a very worthy cause:

Love Amanda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Love the 'human activity clock' and the day to day chat chit. You are not 'decorationally challenged' either!