Friday, July 13, 2007

Inverness, Scotland

Dearly beloved family and friends, the pictures will be arriving as soon as i find a usb port that fits with my memory thingamajiggy. What can i say about Scotland... the highlands... a place of rolling lush hills, countless sheep (every bunch i had to bahhhhhhhhhhhhh at for some reason, might be a genetic compulsion as apparently my mother did the same thing when she was in Britain), friendly locals, fried food, blackened pudding, mad driving, and of course, fish and chips. We stayed at LochNess Backpackers, about half an hour outside of Inverness, where Stewartàs grandfather was born. it was a small farmhouse, complete with a kitchen. We met many nice New Zealanders, Dutch, Brits and a couple of Germans. We also met a Spaniard, and we gave him a few English lessons. He was saying that he wanted to get a ride somewhere, so he hijacked a car. We found out how he did it, and what he meant was hitch hiked and it was quite funny. We also drove up the East Coast of Scotland, to Wick, Thurso, John O°Groats, and through the middle of Scotland back down to Inverness. Here are your three hints for the theme of my commentary

1. The fast and the furious
2. Curb bumping
3. Being passed every three minutes

Yes indeed, Stewart did a fantastic job of driving. He managed a manual gear shift, AND a navigating wife AND constant °helpful° reminders about not hitting the curb on the left hand side of the car. Yes, he did very well. Me, not so much. I cringed around every round about about, waved hopefully at all the nice drivers who waited for us in the round abouts as we changed our minds five times as to which exit we were actually supposed to take, and had regular laughing fits when habit took over and we ended up on the °wrong° side of the road, much to the amazement of the British who never lost their cool at the nutty Canadians making a mockery of their driving system. We also on the highway, going an average of 110 kilometres along a cliffside road that makes the Sea to Sky highway look like child°s play, were regularly PASSED by irrated drivers who thought we were going much below the speed limit. Stewart is to be commended. If we were in the city, I would change the gears so he could drive the car. It sounded something like this 0 1,2,3 change to 2nd please. 0 1,2,3 change to 3rd. 3rd amanda, 3rd! Not fifth!! 0 1,2,3 back down to 4th. VVVVRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!! Honey, not 2nd, 4th. Yes, Stew did a great job. And we had a great time together.
Love Amanda and Stewart

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