Saturday, June 30, 2007

We're Off!!

Well, the day has finally arrived. My classroom is packed, moved up to the third floor of my school (with the help of Stewart, of course), report cards are home, and I've planned out my school year for my Grade 4 classroom. Now, we're officially ready to go on the trip! We start out in London for some theatre (see mother, I do listen), move on to Edinburgh & Inverness Scotland for some hiking and Highlands adventures. We then fly to Turin Italy for one night, and we're staying with a fantastic and humorous Italian ambassador, Dr. Winger. From there we move on to Cinque Terre on the Italian Riveria and then onto Nice, the French Riveria. I do believe bathing suits are in order and that my nice shining white legs will be eye catching for all the wrong reasons. Yes folks, as my family says, I do glow beneath the water because they are so darned white. It was my maiden name, you know! OK, back to the schedule. We are taking the train to Innsbruck Austria (Alp hiking) for one night, and the next day we meet one of my life-long best friends, Erin Drew in Munich. Erin and I always seem to get into trouble anywhere we go, so I'm sure Munich will be no exception, and throw Stewart into the mix and it's bound to be a blast. We fly back to London after our visit with Dr. Drew, and start our Top Deck camping tour. Now, I made the mistake of cancelling my Top Deck tour when I was in University because I was being "thrifty" (Denise, is there a surprise here?) and wanted to put the money towards tuition instead (some people say boats are holes but really, University is the true hole folks... regardless of the "long-run" benefits older, wiser people tell me about). Some highlights: Paris, Lyon (France) Florence, Rome, Venezia, (Italy) Vienna (Austria), Prague (Czech Republic -- I don't even need a Visa for this folks), Lauterbrunnen (Switzerland), St. Goar (Germany) and Amsterdam (Netherlands -- definitely checking out that Red Light district everyone talks about). So there you have it! Stay tuned for the adventures, mishaps and amusing stories that come along with travelling. We even have fishing line as a way of hanging up our laundry (illegally) in hostels...

Love you all!

Amanda & Stewart


Anonymous said...

Herb hounds can rejoice & celebrate another ticking of the ole 24 hour clocker. Jolly good effort Stewy. Knew yo' wife would take the lead...leaving you with all da rail schedules & Italian cafe's to sort through? Have a blast. I was in the Netherlands too a few moons ago. Me and Bertha, my Gal-Pal and wrasslin' partner went 2da Coffee houses in that was a wild trip minus da foolish air miles Mon Ami!! Criptic Jibberish sold seperately dude. Wishing you guys da best. Peace out Bro. Help????

Mr. Jock Waggish BMO Janitorial staffer: from Whalley B.C.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job Amanda. And have a great trip. I am wondering when you two are leaving. so keep Stewart behaving over there. You will have a great time.
All the best, cousin Rod