Hello from the land of yummy pastries, oversized pretzels and bike riders. Oh, I can't forget the beers. These Bavarians love their beers. They enjoy a quality drink as a way of life and as a social formality. The bakeries here also sell wonderful pastries, made from the freshest ingredients. Apparently, there is a law here which forbids the use of preservatives in food/drink. I like it!! And, back to the bike riders. Everywhere you go, you see men and women in suits, high heels, casual clothes, biking gear and everything inbetween riding their bikes. They ride without a care in the world, and the car driver's don't honk at the throngs of people on the road.
The potatoe picture, featured above, is one of the pictures used as a public sex education prograom in Germany. I am not sure the exact translation, but it says "Don't give AIDS a chance" and uses humour as a way of grabbing people's attention. Well, it certainly grabbed mine and I'm sure that most of you did a double take when you looked at that picture. Now, don't get offended now... AIDS is a serios problem and whispering about the problem behind closed doors or at lady's teas is not going to get the job done. People here don't have the same hang-up's about one's body. Ie: Public breastfeeding is commonplace, women sunbathe topless on the beaches, EVERYONE wears a bikini (regardless of whether they should be wearing one or not). I appreciate being straightforward and educating teenagers especially, because the naivite at that age could affect the rest of thier lives.
We brought a picnic to another Beer Garden (featured in the nice picnic basket on Erin's bike). We brought too many sandwhiches and tried to give some away to the people around us, but everyone was suspicious about our motives and thought we'd put something funny in there. They all politely declined our offer, but looked at each other with a bit of surprise at our attempts to be considerate. We met up with George there, a fantastic Greek fellow that seemed to like Stewart and I for whatever reason. He was great fun and we look forward to meeting up with him again!
The last picture shows Stewart foiling the BikeMeister (who continues to move the bikes around to his satisfaction and others displeasure)
Well, adios amigos!
Amanda & Stewart
Hi guys....I can't believe how you guys are able to get on a computer all the time to download pics and write. Things sure have changed since my days of traveling. I TRIED to write in a journal.
The whole do whatever thing is a real eye opener. Great that you guys have had a chance to see it. I had no problem breastfeeding both my kids in public. I remembered what I had seen in other countries and thought what the hell.....lets start something here in Canada. Sorry to say it did not catch on and I was bombarded with many an angry look. The bikini thing...too funny huh? My mom and I once vacationed at an Italian ONLY resort in Cancun. By the end of the trip mom was ready to buy her first bikini and wear it proud on the beach. Here she would never wear one....but hey.....If all these really well lets just say not so flattering bodies can strut their stuff....so could she.
It's amazing how carefree everyone not from North America can be. Tells you something about the influence we have from the good old US of A. Hey Aussies are all from European decent and they hold similar values to those of Europe.
6 week vacations....siestas in the afternoon. Work to live instead of live to work. We can really learn something here huh?
Love reading your blog.
Oh by the way....Caitlyn is in farm camp this week and she just milked her first goat. She was the only one that would do it and most of the kids are older than her. I wasn't there so I don't have photos. Will try and get her doing this by weeks end. Will post on my site if I can.
She goes to "Prep Princess Camp"
next week. They teach you how to drink tea properly...princess manners and the all important....how to feel the peas in the mattress you are sleeping on.
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