In Avignon; ze stopped there for qn qfternoon on our zqy to Nice; Frqnce: It zqs so quaint qnd perfect: The city the Itqliqn pope chose zhen he zqs kicked out of Itqly for chqllenging the pozers thqt zere in Europe: There zere street bqnds plqying; lovely little streets; the bequtiful river qnd q city contqined zithin its Medievql Zqlls: Ze hqd q fqbulous picnic by the oceqn there qnd it zqs tqco sqlqd; co,plete zith sour cream qnd guacamole: Fqbulous: Thqt night ze hqd q punch pqrty qnd it zqs enjoyqble for us qnd the rest of the tour group: Miss you guys qnd I zill be thinking qbout qll of you zhen I go for q szi, in the French Riveriq in qbout qn hour: Love Q,qndq qnd Stezqrt
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Avignon = A Must See
In Avignon; ze stopped there for qn qfternoon on our zqy to Nice; Frqnce: It zqs so quaint qnd perfect: The city the Itqliqn pope chose zhen he zqs kicked out of Itqly for chqllenging the pozers thqt zere in Europe: There zere street bqnds plqying; lovely little streets; the bequtiful river qnd q city contqined zithin its Medievql Zqlls: Ze hqd q fqbulous picnic by the oceqn there qnd it zqs tqco sqlqd; co,plete zith sour cream qnd guacamole: Fqbulous: Thqt night ze hqd q punch pqrty qnd it zqs enjoyqble for us qnd the rest of the tour group: Miss you guys qnd I zill be thinking qbout qll of you zhen I go for q szi, in the French Riveriq in qbout qn hour: Love Q,qndq qnd Stezqrt
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Glad you are both having so much fun. Keeping up with your antics via this blog. deposited your cheques today as requsted
Blessings Stewart and Amanda. The
photos from Germany are lovely. Thanks for keeping us informed. Have you been able to get to a church service? Bruce, Dad, and I have been looking at the blog today and it's great to see you both. We miss you. What does open top camping mean? Oprah was in Alert Bay, and is then going on to Nimmo Bay resort.Love always.
Blessings Stewart and Amanda. The
photos from Germany are lovely. Thanks for keeping us informed. Have you been able to get to a church service? Bruce, Dad, and I have been looking at the blog today and it's great to see you both. We miss you. What does open top camping mean? Oprah was in Alert Bay, and is then going on to Nimmo Bay resort.Love always.
As always....I am a fan of your blog. Quite hard to read now with the french accent. I am making do. Seriously have a career as a travel writer. You and Stew could do this for free!!!!!!
The trip of your life. Mabye you will have to do one next summer if you don't have kids by then. Travel is the best thing to do before having them.......
Anyways.....glad to see you guys are having a blast. I rekon you may have had a better time doing it on your own than on the top deck trip. Let me know ok?
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